Daily Hacker

Monday 7 July 2014

Install Steam OS via Virtualbox

Steam OS ISO File
A computer Running Virtual box
30GB Hard drive storage (optional)
Download the Steam ISO File.
Let's create a new virtual machine inside of
virtual box.  You can give it any name that
you like but it's important that you change
the type to Linux and the version to Debian
(64 bit). Then hit next. You can choose any
amount of Ram that you like to allocate to it
(along as your computer still has enough to
function). I recommend at least 1024 MB.
Then hit next.
Now let's create a new virtual HD. Choose
the option to create a new virtual
harddrvie and make it dynamically
allocated. Finally, make it at least 30GB in
size and you can specify where you want
the .vdi (virtual hard drive file) file to save to.
Now let's start setting up the specifics with
our virtual machine.  The first thing you want
to do is go under system and enable EFI.
Afterwards, go under display and allocate the
maximum amount of video ram available.
Finally, go under the storage tab. Add a new
disk to the IDE controller menu and locate
the the Steam iso.
Now you're ready to start the Virtual
Machine. Go up and hit the start button.
So once you started the virtual machine you
were probably greeted with an ugly console
interface. To boot ,you need to type in FS0:
\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX640 into the window. Hit enter.
It will give you an error but after a few seconds
(maybe more) grub will load.
Once inside of the grub menu, hit the option
for the automated install .  This is the easy
part, just sit back and watch it install.
Once the installation finishes, you will be
presented with this window. Select continue
and the machine will reboot. As soon as it
does, in the boot loader go down to
the second option (recovery mode) and hit
A little closer to victory. But now, we need to
remove all the nvidia packages so that we
won't run into any issues later on. In the
current window type in apt-get purge
".*nvidia.*" Hit enter. It's going to ask you
if you want to remove the data hit y for yes.
Then once it's done type in dpkg-
reconfigure xserver-x
You won't get any response so just trust the it
worked. Finally, we need to install the
Virtual box guest additions. To do this, go up
into the devices menu and select Insert Guest
Additions CD Image. Give it a couple of
seconds then type in mount /media/
cdrom , if you get an error just type it in
Error...just do it again
Now that it;s mounted, let's actually install
the virtual box additions. Type in sh /media/
Once it's done, you can reboot.  So type
in reboot. The machine will reboot and you
will be presented with the boot loader menu
again. This time, choose the first option.
On the login screen, change the session type
to Gnome. Type in Steam for the user
and Steam for the password.
After you log in, go up into the applications
menu and open terminal. Type in steam to
launch Steam. It will bootstrap and log in
data then ask you to log in with your
Wait what? Is that all? Well yes, you are
officially running Steam OS at this point.
Valve does include a second set of
instructions which involve booting into the
desktop user and running a script, but all of
this is pretty useless when you can launch
steam from the Steam Desktop and still
control it from there. So guys, if you have
any questions feel free to leave them below.

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