Google is known for many cool new inventions they
have made and are currently working on but they also
have many hidden features in their products. Try this
right now, go on google and type in " Do a barrel roll"
and watch your whole page begin to dance. Don't do
this too much or you might get a tad dizzy. They did
this in reference to a fun classic video game star
"fox". Keep scrolling through the gallery to find some
more and cool interesting things you can do on
Lots of public locations have blocks on their sites to
avoid any problems with their internet but their is a
quick and easy way to surpass the block and visit
your favourite sites. Simply type in the address bar "
cache:websitename.com" and it's that easy to
access your site.
You love flying games? Well now you can play an
awesome one for free only on google earth. Open up
good earth and press: CTRL+ALT+A (COMMAND +
OPTION + A FOR MAC) choose your aircraft and bon
voyage. You can even pick to fly an F16 Fighter jet.
How much do you love your email address? Well you
don't have to get rid of it if you don't want to. You
can create multiple addresses by simply adding a (.)
anywhere in the email name and it will get directed to
your email username. Gmail doesn't recognize dots
so simple add the dot anywhere on your current email
address to make the new email. For example this is
your current "yourname@gmail.com" and you want
to make a new one, simply go
"y.ourname@gmail.com" and for forth.
Want to beat box but don't know how? Thank you
google for this! Type in google translator and hit the
listen icon, google will beatbox anything you like.
Type in this: pvk kkk pfkkk pvpvpv ppkk pdd bschks "
and listen to him go.
To help improve the amount of search items that your
looking for, there is a simple trick to input into your
search bar. Next time you want to search something,
add (~) to your search terms and this will tell google
to include any related search terms or synonyms you
may have missed. This will help improve the results
that your looking for.
Never log into your UPS or FEDEX website again
entering ALL your information in there. You can
simply track any package or parcel you have
anywhere in the world by simply typing in your
package tracking number into googles search term. This will instantly show you where it is.
If your having friends or loved one or even. catching a
flight yourself, this google trip is a great tip. Simply
type the flight number and airline in googles search
box and you can get instant access to see their
departure and arrival. This is great to avoid all the
questionnaires that sites will make you go through to
find your desired flight.
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